Station de lagunage
When the ecological treatment of waste water falls into step with the natural environment
Located amid the peripheral marshes around Rochefort, in a wonderfil green belt of some 400 hectares, between the river Charente and the town, lies the treatment wetland – a feature that uses a unique natural water purifying technique known as lagooning and an excellent site for watching aquatic birds

Nature on the doorstep of town
The technique of lagooning allows the entire volume of wastewater from the town to be eco-purified in vast retention pools (35 hectares in area), by exposing it to the action of sun, wind and micro-organisms.
This eco-friendly technique encourages the growth of plankton, an essential source of food to a host of water birds (160 species are regularly observed). Consequently, thousands of Shoveller ducks, scaups, pochards, coots, grebes, terns, Pygmy seagulls… are attracted by the peaceful setting and the abundance of food which enables them to stock up for winter or their migratory journeys.
After being processed, the water pumped back into the natural environment is of “bathing water” quality, suitable for activities associated with the Charente estuary.
Silt reusing and energy harnessing
Arrivée à la station de lagunage, les eaux subissent un traitement physique : dégrillage, dégraissage, dessablage. Les boues récupérées lors de la décantation vont dans un digesteur. Ensuite, des réactions chimiques permettent de minéraliser ces boues qui sont valorisées comme compost. On obtient une production de méthane qui sert à alimenter un co-générateur qui produit de l’électricité.
